Wednesday 18 November 2020

+DOG+ - The Ship of Dreams (2020)

Just when you thought you had noise all figured out (or at least I did), along came +DOG+ to demonstrate just how limited so many noise artists have been over the years - the sound of a jet engine blasting your face off, balaclava helmet, and what else have you got? Usually nothing, except in the case of +DOG+ who seem to have moved way, way beyond such basic tactics; and just when you thought you had +DOG+ all figured out, they release another album.

Some of the above will inevitably be off centre because, there's nothing wrong with the sound of a jet engine blasting your face off, and I suspect there must almost certainly be a shitload of other equally worthy noise artists whose work I simply haven't heard.

Once again, there's nothing musical in the conventional sense - excepting possibly a few drum rolls supplementing the cacophony on one of the earlier tracks - and it mostly resembles someone poking a screwdriver around inside an old transistor radio and shorting everything out, but amplified and multitracked allowing different strands of grinding texture to work against each other, and in ways which become so relentless that the whole somehow crosses over and is actually sort of relaxing, or at least hypnotic. I suppose if you happen to be on a plane and in flight when the jet engine conks out, having been previously knackered during some power electronics performance, if you're plummeting to earth from several miles up and you somehow manage to make peace with the idea of your chips being well and truly cashed, then The Ship of Dreams is possibly how that sense of serenity may sound. I expect I've said it before but I'll say it again, I find it genuinely astonishing how this lot keep coming up with something new from what you might imagine would be very much a restricted palette.

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